The dark crystal tv tropes
The dark crystal tv tropes


The Scientist skekTek has completed the creation of the Garthim, which will ultimately allow them to all but wipe out the Gelflings and render that victory moot.

  • The episode is this for the franchise as a whole the Gelflings win their battle against the Skeksis and they recover the missing shard of the Crystal, but the war has just begun.
  • the dark crystal tv tropes

    The Skeksis gain a second wind at his resurrection, but it falters when urVa dives off the Circle of the Suns, taking skekMal with him, and allowing Aughra to be reborn. A villainous one when the Hunter arrives on the battlefield.Then their rebellion against skekTek is short-lived, as he ends up killing them both. The poor Gruenaks finding a sharp object and cutting the threads sewing their mouths shut with it.Hoist by His Own Petard: The Emperor surely didn't expect Deet to absorb the Darkening and redirect it against the Skeksis.She survives, but is corrupted by its power, becoming a Walking Wasteland that withers life around her and forcing her to leave her friends to protect them. When the Emperor unleashes the Darkening, Deet stands between him and the rest of the Gelflings, absorbs it into herself and uses it to kill skekLach the Collector.She loses a wing and crashes, sustaining fatal injuries in the process. Maudra Fara puts herself between Seladon and the blades thrown by skekOk.UrVa the Archer sacrifices his life to rid Thra of skekMal the Hunter, who can't be stopped on the battlefield.Godzilla Threshold: When it appears the Skeksis will lose the battle, the Emperor unleashes the Darkening on the Gelflings with his scepter.


    Deet seeing the Darkening under her skin just as the Emperor uses his staff to fire it at the gelfling.This is just before skekMal arrives at the battle in Stone-in-the-Wood. Five-Second Foreshadowing: After stabbing the General, skekSil looks confused as he watches skekVar's body crumble into dust, clearly remembering the Hunter's intact body back at the castle.Just not for the reasons the other Skeksis believe. And yes, the Chamberlain is glad that he was with the General during skekVar's final moments. Yes, the General did perish at Stone-In-The-Wood. Exact Words: Technically, the Chamberlain doesn't lie when he informs the others of skekVar's death.Rian wins, but the General manages to withdraw, badly wounded. Duel to the Death: Between Rian and skekVar before the battle proper begins.Double-Meaning Title: The 'single piece' in this one could refer either to the crystal shard that Brea finds or Deet.


  • The huge shiny and ornately decorated sabers that would be used for the Trial by Stone at the time of The Dark Crystal are seen being used for war by the Skeksis here.
  • The Dual Glaive, although it's merely a hiding place for the shard of the Crystal.
  • If you look carefully at the puppet Gelfling holding the Dual Glaive, you can see a piece of crystal hidden in the pommel of the sword.
  • Call-Back: It was hinted that the sword was a hiding place for the Shard back in the Wanderer and the Heretic's puppet show.
  • The Skeksis are then introduced to their newly animated soldiers, the Garthim. An inspired skekTek then grafts a dead Gruenak's guts with the Arathim corpse.

    the dark crystal tv tropes

    While events in Stone-in-the-Wood unfold, skekTek kills the rebelling Gruenaks in a moment of frustrated rage, throwing one down the shaft of the Crystal and beating the other to death. As Brea finds the lost shard of the Crystal in the Dual Glaive's broken hilt, Deet leaves the group in fear of her power. When the other clans eventually arrive, skekSo unleashes the Darkening, which Deet absorbs and redirects against the Skeksis, making skekLach's head explode and forcing the others to retreat. skekMal is revealed to be alive as he shatters the Dual Glaive, only to be killed for good when urVa the Archer jumps off from the Circle of Suns, causing Aughra to return from skekMal's body. Once the Skeksis arrive, skekSil sets up skekVar to fail in his duel with Rian and covertly kills him as the battle commences. skekSo calls upon the Darkening before leading the Skesis to battle, ordering skekTek to remain at the Castle to work on a new army. Rian and Deet are joined by Brea's group while waiting for the other clans' arrival.

    The dark crystal tv tropes